Geobulletin alpha

News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Earth Science Education

Welcome to 2016, our International Year of Earth Science Educator stories. 
The stories of those who influence Earth Science education locally and across the world will appear every Thursday on the IGEO (International Geoscience Education Organisation) website through 2016 and beyond. Through this, we hope that the work, wisdom, initiative and enthusiasm of the 'storytellers' will inform and inspire the next generation.
So, please:
REGISTER for regular alerts to the stories by giving your email address on the register page
READ the stories as they appear - and add comments on the IGEO webpage
SEND this message far and wide through all the networks available to you
OFFER your own story if you too have an inspiring or motivating story to tell, covering any area of Earth science education.
We hope that in this way, 2016 and beyond will be a motivational year for all of us. | Impressum