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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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The Arizona Daily Sun Newspaper Runs and Article on "Grand Canyon: Monument to an Ancient Earth"

In the May 25 edition of the Arizona Daily Sun, reporter Emery Cowan takes a look at the controversy that inspired my newest book, "Grand Canyon: Monument to an Ancient Earth." Cowan relates how huge portions of the American public believe the pseudo-science for how a biblical flood created the Grand Canyon. This in spite of the inconvenient fact that not one single shred of evidence exists for such a recent flood. You can read Cowan's article here.

In one of my favorite graphics from the new book,written with 10 co-authors, we show how so-called "flood geologists" actually contradict what is written in the Bible to come up with their nefarious claims that have hood-winked so many unsuspecting people in the American populace.

The diagram shows that during the Biblically described 'days' of creation, specific locations in the modern Middle East are described. The Garden is described as being in the vicinity of the "four rivers" (the Tigris, Euphrates, Piston, and Gihon rivers) in modern day Kuwait. All of this of course happened before "the flood" - the Garden of Eden predates Noah's flood in the Bible. But flood geologists also maintain that all post-Precambrian rocks on Earth were deposited in the flood. This shows that flood geologists contradict not only their own "reasoning" but also what is written in the Bible. In the book, we highlight numerous other instances where the flood geology model contradicts the Bible and doesn't hold water (pardon the pun).

People can keep their religion or spirituality and believe in an old Earth. Don't be duped by ministers or pastors who misrepresent science for other politically motivated goals. | Impressum