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News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Jan 2017)

I wish you a successful and wonderful new year 2017! May you find impressive faults and good outcrops, may your trenches always be in the right place, and may your samples return good results. If 2017 brings you something that would be of interest to the community, please let us know. In the mean time, enjoy those reads: Howell, A., Palamartchouk, K., Papanikolaou, X., Paradissis, D., Raptakis, C., Copley, A., … & Jackson, J. (2016). The 2008 Methoni earthquake | Impressum