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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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C19 Update with Romania

As we have seen most countries and states show lognormal behavior for cumulative C19 deaths, but a few do not. These seem to be regions with sparse data. Our guest region today, Romania, is just such a case -- as is Arkansas has been since April 28. So today we show logistic fit for Romania and Arkansas. Going forward I will check lognormal and revert to logistic when needed.

2020-05-17 USA Estimated C19 Deaths   Jun 1 ..... total = 110,503 ..... daily = 1,053   Jul 1  ..... total = 133,587 ..... daily = 542   Aug 1..... total = 145,876 ..... daily = 281   Sep 1 ..... total = 152,379 ..... daily = 152 | Impressum