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How to Survive a Landslide

How to Survive a Landslide  This is not likely to affect you in the UK - unless you are in a train near Stonehaven! - but good to know for visits to more exotic parts. THIS ARTICLE summarises THIS LONG ARTICLE which goes into exhaustive details of how a landslide can kill you.
The advice is straight forward.

Check if there are potential dangers of a landslide.

Live in the downhill side of a house.


Move upstairs

Go to interior, unfurnished areas 

Open downhill doors and windows


Make noise so rescuers can find you 



Open a door out of curiosity 

Shelter beside large furniture


The article goes into much more detail, giving reasons for the survival strategies.

P.S. In the accident near Stonehaven it wasn't the landslide that caused the deaths but the train being derailed when it ran into the relatively small amount of landslide debris. | Impressum