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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Report on the 3 & 4 March, 2021, northern Thessaly (Greece) earthquakes

On 3 March, 2021, an earthquake of magnitude MW6.3 hit northern Thessaly in Greece. According to the USGS, the hypocentre was at 11.5 km depth. Normal faulting occurred either on a plane dipping 55° to the SW or on a plane dipping 36° to the NE. The quake caused a lot of damage in the village of Tyrnavos (Τύρναβος) and the surrounding areas. Widespread liquefaction was also observed. On 4 March, 2021, a mb5.8 aftershock occurred. Our colleagues S. Pavlides, | Impressum