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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Nov. 2021)

This months we have a lot of studies on Mediterranean tectonics, first of all from Italy, and many papers on China and the US. Besides, there are some interesting methodological studies and research from areas that had recent seismic crises such as Puerto Rico and Thessaly. Enjoy reading! Grützner, C., Aschenbrenner, S., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Reicherter, K., Saifelislam, N., Vičič, B., Vrabec, M., Welte, J., & Ustaszewski, K. (2021). Holocene surface-rupturing earthquakes on the Dinaric Fault System, western Slovenia. Solid | Impressum