Position 1: research personnel in training (R1), Quaternary geoarchaeology of South Africa.
The research line will be focused on the reconstruction of Middle and Late Pleistocene environments in the central interior of South Africa, using sediments and fossils as proxies. As a trainee researcher, the person will be expected to participate actively in the activities of PEOPLE, including: research stays in South Africa (up to two months per year) and other collaborating centers, laboratory analyses, synthesis and interpretation of results, drafting scientific papers, dissemination of scientific activity, and compliance with the strictest standards of research integrity as required by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The PhD student will be trained in micro-geoarchaeological methods (infraredspectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, magnetic susceptibility, micromorphology of sediments) and will study the formation and post-depositional processes of the sites investigated in the PEOPLE project under the supervision of the PI. The duration of this contract shall be for 47 months. The start date of the contract is estimated to be October 1st, 2023. This temporary position will report to the PI of the PEOPLE project, which will finance the entirety of the salary costs of this contract (gross salary, employer's Social Security contribution, raises and incentives, and end-of-contract payout, if applicable).
Position 2: research personnel in training (R1), Quaternary geochronology of South Africa.
The research line will be focused on establishing a chronological framework of environmental change during the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the central interior of South Africa, using luminescence dating. As a trainee researcher, the person will be expected to participate actively in the activities of PEOPLE, including: research stays in South Africa (up to two months per year) and other foreign collaborating centers, laboratory analyses, synthesis and interpretation of results, drafting scientific papers, dissemination of scientific activity, and compliance with the strictest standards of research integrity as required by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The PhD student will be trained in micro-geoarchaeological methods for the characterization of dating material at the CENIEH, and in optically stimulated luminescence dating in other foreign collaborating centers, and will study thechronology of the river catchments investigated in the PEOPLE project under the supervision of the PI.The duration of this contract shall be for 47 months. The start date of the contract is estimated to be October 1st, 2023. This temporary position will report to the PI of the PEOPLE project, which will finance the entirety of the salary costs of this contract (gross salary, employer's Social Security contribution, raises and incentives, and end-of-contract payout, if applicable).
All details available from the PDF file below and from:
DEADLINE 31st of May!