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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages map application

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released a new map application to display the results of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages: the QCEW State and County Map Application. From the BLS site: "The application displays geographic economic data through maps, charts, and tables, allowing users to explore employment and wage data of private industry at the National, State, and county level. Throughout this application, URLs are specific to the data displayed, so links can be bookmarked, reused, and shared. The application includes maps, charts, tables, and a link to standard BLS data tables and graphs."

Users can see maps and data at the state or county level. The map display and data change depending on the scale of the map. Viewing options users can control include changing time periods, industries, and color modes. One great feature of the QCEW State and County Map Application is that users can print or save copies of user-created maps for free.

Original post blogged on b2evolution. | Impressum