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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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Grand Day On The North Rim

On the day after Easter I found myself riding 120 miles one–way with a friend to reconnoiter a future hike location.  It was an all–day affair. 
When the setting is this Grand, the distance driven is worth the effort. 
Near Monument Point, North Rim Grand Canyon
I find there is a spiritual essence enveloping Grand Canyon.  Just being on the rim for the day enables me to let go of stress and worries. 

The rocks and sky of Grand Canyon have always been my cathedral.  Ribbons of wind threading their music through the pinyon pines are its hymns.  The graceful acrobatics of ravens and hawks soaring and diving on invisible thermals are its rituals. 
The infinity of heaven is in its wide open spaces. 
 View from Monument Point 
Pondering infinity at Indian Hollow | Impressum