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This is the 1000th post on NOVA Geoblog.I passed up the opportunity to engage in anniversarial navel-gazing this past December with the blog's second birthday, opting instead to dish out some recognition to other corners of the geoblogosphere. A [...]
Am 4 April 2009 wurde von einem Team um Nils Holger Harrit, einem dänischen Chemiker von der Universität Kopenhagen, eine Studie mit dem Titel:“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center [...]
Updates from the Vertebrate Paleontology Lab [2010-01-27 15:07:26]
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(968 visits)
Having completed our Diplodocus scapulocoracoid, during Dino Day last Saturday we opened a new dinosaur jacket. This appears to be a somewhat crushed sauropod right femur (thigh bone). You’re looking at the posterior surface, with the proximal end [...]
or, Token Diversity in a Dinosaur Graveyard
Although fossils of the Triassic theropod Coelophysis bauri are by far the most numerous vertebrate remains preserved in blocks from the Whitaker quarry, several other animals are known from the site as [...]
I started writing on my thesis in earnest today. I have a deadline for my proposal draft and I am going to start my paper for publication next week. At least thats the plan. I feel like AGU was the turning point and now I am on the downward run [...]
Well, we made it off the ice! It was snowing as we left, but we are now warmly back in Christchurch, New Zealand.We flew back on the same type of airplane we flew in on: A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster. Since it's the end of the season, they're [...]
We are currently waiting for our transport to Pegasus Airfield to catch our flight back to Christchurch, New Zealand. We woke up this morning to low clouds and snow, so we are concerned that we will have one more weather delay to our field [...]
The 2010 Goldschmidt Conference will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee, June 13th-18th 2010.
We would like to invite you to contribute to the session:
03d: New and Old Paradigms on the Origin and Evolution of Continental Lithosphere
The deadline for [...]
The Late Jurassic "death traps" of the Shishugou formation, notable for having yielded the likes of Limusaurus and Guanlong, as well as a National Geographic documentary, are pretty much unique. Hundreds of dinosaur skeletons have been mired in [...]