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I have mentioned previously that I keep a log of how I spend my time. When I was doing my PhD the interesting question was what percentage of my time was spent on “uni work”, and how was I spending the rest of my time? That way I could look at [...]
Cute, huh? Astroscopus y-graecum, the southern stargazer (hence the astroscopus bit), is, in reality, hardly the romantic that its name implies, never mind incapable of actually perceiving any celestial objects; but is just about as nasty as it [...]
The Sphenodiscus lenticularis ammonite found in the Fox Hills Formation of South Dakota, U.S.A. Originally named by Owen in 1852 the genus Ammonites. This creature swam the seas of the Upper Cretaceous. The suture pattern shown in the images was [...]
Mit den steigenden Ölpreisen werden auch die aufwändigeren Ölvorkommen für den Abbau interessant. Hier sind in erster Linie, neben den Ölvorkommen in der Tiefsee, vielleicht die Ölsande zu nennen. Ein gutes Beispiel [...]
The Utah Geological Survey has released its 2012 Calendar of Utah Geology. Of the more than 300 photos that were submitted, 33 were selected for the 2012 calendar.
WATCH FOR ROCKS - Travels of a Sharp-Eyed Geologist [2011-12-03 06:07:05]
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We’re definitely making progress. In the previous post about our four day epic drive from southern Utah to Canada’s Yoho National Park and its 515–million year old Burgess Shale fossils, our lively two–car caravan finally crosses the [...]
Time for GeoJeopardy! Fridays, because it's winter, batten down the hatches.- Harvard Museum of Natural History -A relative of the plesiosaurs, this 42-foot reptile terrorized the seas of the early Cretaceous period; called Kronosaurus [...]
So, I ask myself, how could this blog possibly miss the “dune week” celebration on the geoblogosphere, an arenaceous festival if ever there was one? The great thing about asking yourself is that a credible answer should be forthcoming
Aus aktuellen Gründen und quasi als Solidaritätsnote für Daniel Lingenhöhl, dessen Kommentar zur politischen Ablehnung des CCS auf Facebook von Leuten mit viel Meinung kommentiert wird, möchte ich hier zwei ältere [...]
The Holbrook Arizona Journal confirmed reports circulating that Denver-based American West Potash says it's possible they could have an underground potash mine in operation as soon as early 2014 in eastern Arizona. That's two years earlier than [...]