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Happy new year! This month, after 90 installments over five years, Mesozoic Miscellany has evolved into a new form. The intent of these round up posts will be the same, but now they'll have a more fitting name: This Mesozoic Month. As the name [...]
This picture is of an Oxynoticeras lymensis Wright ammonite fossil. It was found in the lower Lias of Lyme Regis England. Creature existed in the Jurassic Period.
Fossil displayed at the Museum of Natural History in Paris France August
Last week I attempted the Rockridge-to-Orinda ramble by a northern route. Was strenuous, but it got me into Siesta Valley, a place I’ve had my eye on for years, for the first time. At this time of year the sun is so low that the light is terrific. [...]
I wish you a successful and wonderful new year 2017! May you find impressive faults and good outcrops, may your trenches always be in the right place, and may your samples return good results. If 2017 brings you something that would be of interest [...]
I was a little sporadic with my “Monday Geology Picture” posts in 2016. I’ll try to be more consistent in 2017! To start off, here is a shot of a lovely little hill of migmatite in the town of Lüderitz, which is located at the edge of the [...]
National Park Service Photograph
This weekend's storm, if it lives up to predictions, may be one for the
history books. Present projections are suggesting that the Merced River could rival the flows from the apocalyptic floods of 1997. In that [...]
Vor rund 15.000 Jahren kam es im Ozean rund um die Antarktis zu
einem abrupten Meeresspiegelanstieg von mehreren Metern. Ein Ereignis,
das sich wiederholen könnte. Darüber berichtet ein internationales
Wissenschaftlerteam unter [...]
If you are interested in visiting the epicentral areas of the recent earthquakes in the Central Apennines, Italy, this is your chance: A four days field trip will be held from 19-22 July, 2017, led by researchers who have studied the earthquake [...]
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Hidden within the countless layers of rock, sediment, and fossilized creatures beneath the Earth’s surface are fascinating stories of the history of our planet—stories of how you and I came to [...]