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Friday, 15 September 2023

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Global temperatures maintain the high levels 

Ontario-geofish [20:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (32 visits) info
 This is fun, if it doesn't drop like a rock soon, then it's back to the drawing board, and my hypothesis is shattered.  I thought I could predict the global temps by certain activity on the equator, but there may be other considerations.RSS also shows a high August.  Everybody is happy, since these ups and downs are all clange.  The God Clange is a trickster.The East Pacific is again showing

Five Columbia Climate Researchers Honored by Leading Scientific Organizations 

State of the Planet [15:11:24]  recommend  recommend this post  (51 visits) info
Scientists connected to the Climate School received notable accolades from the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological

Columbia Climate School Postdoctoral Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2024 

State of the Planet [14:30:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (43 visits) info
Doctoral candidates or recent Ph.D., M.D., J.D. or Sc.D. recipients interested in research on sustainable development can apply by November

Unas cuantas ilustraciones dinosaurianas... (LXXXIII) 

Koprolitos [09:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (44 visits) info
Office worker (Yoofilos) Vamos con una nueva ronda de ilustraciones dinosaurianas en la que encontramos criaturas mesozoicas encantadas, trabajando en la oficina, en mitad de un safariafricano o como [...]

State of the oceans from Tahiti 

Ontario-geofish [01:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (37 visits) info
 Right now, freezing in Tahiti, tackling the fury of the Pacific Ocean.  The horrendous cold of the ocean has finally hit the equator.  That cold has crept up for a year now, and is here.  The Great [...]

Chione elevata Shell 

Louisville Area Fossils [00:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (47 visits) info
  This shell appears to be a Florida Cross-barred Venus shell or Chione elevata (Say, 1822). It was found by a 17 year old Lucien Pearson Beckner in 1889 at Naples, Florida, USA. Mr. Beckner was a mentor [...]

Más ¡chof! ¡chof! 

Investigación GeoPaleoBiológica en Somosaguas [12:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (107 visits) info
Tras las relampageantes tormentas de esta noche, el yacimiento ha amanecido encharcado una vez más. Os dejamos aquí unas fotos a modo de testigos mudos de esta situación. De momento, nos hemos visto [...]

US August starts to fall 

Ontario-geofish [03:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (33 visits) info
 This is a horrible plot, but when it is happy, they all go for it, and the news sells like hotcakes.  Now it is very

Tahiti cold, Toronto colder 

Ontario-geofish [00:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (35 visits) info
 It's bitchy cold in Tahiti, and colder in Toronto.  They are finally going with my prediction of very cold for Toronto.  All due to  they are promising the Great Pumpkin El Nino will save us [...] | Impressum