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Saturday, 16 September 2023

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A California Love Letter: It's the Best Geology to be Found Anywhere! 

Geotripper [05:07:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (36 visits) info
This is the second of some resource materials I have on our college website that are being removed, so I wanted to preserve them. The following is some info I give to my students of my "Geology of California" course. For the majority of these students, it is their first introduction to geology, and their first introduction to the extraordinary state that is their home. For a more

El Nino is fashionably late 

Ontario-geofish [03:35:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (46 visits) info
 Yeah, from 95% in September to 95% in January.  Then 95% in March.  Does nobody question this?El Nino is not defined by physics, but I have defined the mechanism.  Nothing is  All the way back, I was watching the local tv whipping up the frenchy-commies.  Revolution is coming.  They want to kill the rich, and take their land.  maybe.  I'm not very good with french.pps. not


ARCHEA [01:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
Autumn is a wonderful time to explore Vancouver. It is a riot of yellow, orange and green. The fallen debris you crunch through send up wafts of earthy smells that whisper of decomposition, the journey from [...]

Anadara transversa Sea Shell 

Louisville Area Fossils [00:42:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (64 visits) info
This shell appears to be a Transverse Ark shell or Anadara transversa (Say, 1822). It was found by a 17 year old Lucien Pearson Beckner in 1889 at Naples, Florida, USA. Mr. Beckner was a mentor to [...] | Impressum