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Monday, 18 September 2023

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A close encounter with an opossum 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [22:43:29]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
Last night I took some boxes out to our recycling bin, and as I was walking along the back fence I did a double-take — I’d walked within a couple of feet of this opossum before I knew it was there. It was so close that if I hadn’t been worried about either scaring it

New mechanism for equatorial ocean heat 

Ontario-geofish [21:45:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (97 visits) info
 After being socked in at Tahiti, I am coming up with a new mechanism for heating the equatorial belt.First of all, the currents are not driven by the wind.  The heat energy ratio is 4000 to one, and the tail can't wag the dog.  Simple measurements would prove this.  The belt is always cloudy and I kept thinking of mechanisms that could get by this.  Now, I don't have to hurt my brain on

Phoney Pacific Anomaly is shrinking 

Ontario-geofish [20:51:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (67 visits) info
 This is getting pretty ratty.  The media is using the old plots.  This anomaly was caused by having very cold water (4C) as a base.  The stagnant temperature is about 25C.  This temperature is being [...]

Back to Freezie-land 

Ontario-geofish [19:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (69 visits) info
 I'm back but my brain is scrambled.  We note the highest minimum Arctic ice since before the 2016 warming.  Not  I have no teeth in my brain to go after warmies and the Fantasy El Nino.  [...]

A Marine Graveyard in West-central Nevada 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [16:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (97 visits) info
Eye of the Ichthyosaur My visit to the volcanoes of eastern California last May was far too short, but there was nothing I could do. Life called. So after hiking up Panum volcano I raced east past Mono [...]

Make your own scary scorpion and imagine how it lived 

Earth Learning Idea [12:22:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (309 visits) info
New ELI -  'Scary scorpions; make your own scorpion and imagine how it lived'.This ELI gives an introduction to fossil aquatic scorpions; bringing the animal back to life and investigating the Silurian seas. [...]

Un resumen de la participación del GBE en el 67th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (71 visits) info
La 67ª edición del congreso anual de la Palaeontological Association tuvo lugar durante la semana pasada en la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido). Desde el 11 al 15 de septiembre, una de las [...]

Earth Scientists Buried at Fairview Cemetery 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info
Last Friday, I attended a fundraiser at Fairview Cemetery in New Albany, Indiana, USA presented by the Friends of Fairview called Stories Behind The Stones A Tour of Historic Fairview Cemetery. This year's [...]

Slight shift in NA weather 

Ontario-geofish [20:41:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (77 visits) info
 The slight shift since I've been away, is that some Pacific plumes are crossing the mountains.  This stops Arctic cold blobs from descending on Toronto.  They still look weak, and might stop.  This gives [...]

California aqueducts I have known 

Oakland Geology [17:01:01]  recommend  recommend this post  (95 visits) info
My last post promised more detail about aqueducts. When you talk about the Anthropocene epoch, one of the main topics is human disruption of the natural river regimen that feeds sediment and nutrients to the [...]

Protecting Workers as We Shift to Electric Vehicles 

State of the Planet [13:41:58]  recommend  recommend this post  (61 visits) info
A fair labor agreement needs to protect against layoffs, provide resources for training workers on the use of new technologies, and include some form of

The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs (1977) 

Koprolitos [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (132 visits) info
Durante 55 años,  desde la emisión de Monsters of the Past. The story of the Great Dinosaurs (1922), el formato en que se desarrollaban los documentales de dinosaurios no cambió demasiado.  Buena [...]

L'eredità di Jurassic Park 

Theropoda [07:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (64 visits) info
In questi giorni, è il trentennale della uscita nella sale cinematografiche italiane del film “Jurassic Park”. Io sono sufficientemente vecchio per ricordare come era il mondo della paleontologia prima di [...] | Impressum