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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Geomorphic indices can tell us about the tectonic activity of an area. The idea is that the landscape records the signal of active tectonics, for example in its river network, in its erosion pattern, or in its roughness. Geomorphic indices allow us to quantify this, that is, we can use standard algorithms to calculate numbers from a DEM that say ‘active’ or ‘inactive’. This is very attractive because essentially, all that is needed is a DEM and a GIS
Hace poco, un amigo dibujante* preguntó sobre si es o no razonable poner plumas a los grandes dinosaurios carnívoros como alosaurio o tiranosaurio. Al parecer veía un cierto consenso en cuanto a no emplumarlos. Y bueno, me dije, vamos a intentar explicar bien este tema, porque tiene mucha miga.Si es que te gustan los dinosaurios, claro. Si no es así, puedes dejar de leer aquí y echar a
I've experienced it first-hand. So cold, everybody down in Tahiti was wearing a winter coat. I just got along with a shirt. Cold in Sanfran.I have discovered that the culprit is clouds, Specifically, [...]
This shell appears to be a Common Atlantic Marginella gastropod shell or Prunum apicinum
(Menke, 1828). It was found by a 17 year old Lucien Pearson Beckner in
1889 at Naples, Florida, USA. Mr. Beckner [...]
That's a long flight from Tahiti. I thought I was smart and overdosed on gravol. Don't do that! I got the heeby-jeebies and palsy for my computer finger. Hope it clears up.Looking from the plane I [...]
This is fun. The Antarctic temp has remained flat as a board. The ice either expands, then it is 'mindblowing' ice loss, or it shrinks at mindblowing lows. No pleasing