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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Thursday, 21 September 2023
This looks like a one-day heatwave. Lots of headlines, and now it's over. You can see on the mimic that they were in stagnant air. This makes for a giant solar sauna. They panicked and declared the El Nino was upon them. Nobody else has done that, they pushed it all back to January. Poor Ozzieland, always dumb as dirt. Gotta love em!I'm glad they don't read anything other than
La última reunión de la Palass, el 67th Annual Meeting of The Palaeontological Association, ha tenido lugar del 11-15 septiembre en Cambridge. En este congreso también se presentó el trabajo titulado “Evolutionary allometry of the eusuchian palate (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia)”, en el cual se analiza la relación evolutiva entre el tamaño y forma del paladar de los cocodrilos eusuquios.
La mañana del jueves ha sido muy tranquila, incluso hemos podido excavar con la chaqueta puesta porque hacía un poco de frío pero a media mañana las primeras gotas de agua han caído en el yacimiento y [...]
Atmospheric scientist Michela Biasutti investigates what drives rainfall on a wide variety of time scales, and how climate change may affect it. She is passing on the basics to
Opera di Z. BurianLa paleoarte ci ha abituati a "viaggiare nel tempo", anche solo con l'immaginazione. Mondi Perduti popolati da faune grottesche ed "aliene" sono il pane quotidiano [...]
Test your knowledge of the latest climate
Nacido en Barcelona en 1980, Josep Zacarias es un aficionado a la naturaleza, la fantasía, los cómics y los dinosaurios. Como veréis en la selección de imágenes que os dejamos a continuación, lleva [...]
Here are some pictures of rhodophyte algae fossils. They were seen at Bailey's Point on the Barren River in Kentucky USA. The fossils were found in the Fort Payne Formation which dates to the [...]