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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Thursday, 13 June 2024
Our colleague Gregory De Pascale advertises a PhD position in Iceland: Do you want to do your PhD in Earth Sciences and research on an exciting Plate boundary in the North Atlantic? Earthquakes are the outcome of plate tectonic motions and important geological hazards and Iceland is a world class laboratory to study these complex systems. Although abundant modern seismicity including historic damaging events and complex tectonic and volcanic interactions are observed, little is known about the [...]
Topographical maps are detailed maps that use contour lines to show the appearance of the earth’s surface. These maps accurately represent earth features like roads, buildings, railways, and mountains, among other features. Therefore, topographical maps illustrate any natural or artificial geographical feature on the earth’s surface. Other than locating artificial and natural features, topography can […]
The post Applications of Topographical maps first appeared on Grind GIS-GIS and [...]
Some readings for you: 1) Mining the bottom of the sea: The deep sea bed is considered the last frontier on earth for mining. Large patches of the sea bed are littered with metallic lumps or nodules rich in [...]
Another quick photo post from the road. The Tate Museum has a quality in common with the Oxford Museum of Natural History, where the guiding philosophy seems to have been, “Let’s put one of every [...]
The colonial rugose coral fossil pictured above is known as Arachnophyllum pentagonum
(Goldfuss, 1826). It was found in the Louisville Limestone of Jefferson
County, Kentucky USA. The fossils date to the [...]
We finally have heat for Toronto, but just don't look at that cold blob coming down. All the global charts have shed off last year's Great Red Spot, and nooa has adopted it to stand in for [...]
El paleontólogo francés Jean-Michel Mazin escribió en 1982 el libro titulado “Au temps de dinosaures”, traducido y publicado un año después en España con el título “En tiempos de dinosaurios” [...]