Geobulletin alpha
News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Friday, 14 June 2024
Daniel Leal de Moraes Santana and Sophie Hanin, from the class of 2024, share their experience, post-graduation plans and advice to current
Madygen - a Possible Future Excursion?
I came across THIS ARTICLE in New Scientist because I was seeing many photos of colourful rock strata, most of which looked as if they had been "improved" greatly - see the two examples below - they are photos of the same place!
Eventually I found the following photo which seems relatively untouched by Photoshop.
The accompanying article was equally interesting. It concerns the attempt to get the Madygen area declared a Geopark. Madygen is in [...]
Sheila Foster has been appointed a tenured professor of climate at the Climate
After a phenomenal collecting trip to the Goat Haven Mountain of the East Kootenay region near Cranbrook, we headed out to the classic Tanglefoot site following in the footsteps of Brian [...]
Hey guess what? It’s gonna be another really short photo post. Here are some pix of the Jimbo material on display at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. Many thanks to Tom Moncrieffe of the WDC for taking a good [...]
Tras una primera entrada en la que recorrimos los orígenes de la saga jurásica, volvemos con la segunda parte de este repaso a la línea temporal de la franquicia Jurassic Park/World como parte del Junio [...]
Il Consiglio europeo delle ricerche ha appena fornito i risultati sulle ricerche premiate come “Advanced Grants” per il 2023. Non è “robetta”, perché si tratta di finanziamenti che arrivano a 2 [...]
Here are some pictures of a snail fossil known as Turbinopsis shumardi
(de Verneuil). It was found in the Jeffersonville Limestone of Falls of the Ohio, Indiana USA. The fossils date to the Devonian [...]