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Monday, 04 November 2024

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Der Leinetalgraben 

Mente et Malleo [22:49:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (88 visits) info
Sehr schwaches Erdbeben am 17. September 2024 bei Hardegsen Am 17. September 2024 um kurz nach 12°° Uhr gab es in Hardegsen einen lauten Knall. Im ersten Moment dachte ich, dass in der Firma, in … Der Beitrag Der Leinetalgraben erschien zuerst auf Mente et Malleo.

Snowfall in Hawaii 

Ontario-geofish [19:18:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (83 visits) info
 A big cold blob was sent out to Hawaii.  My family visiting San Francisco had to put on every stitch of clothing for a sailing excursion.  It's all very the cold air is kicked by double-yolk gyres.  Very

Spencer world temperature plot hung up on residual heat 

Ontario-geofish [16:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (79 visits) info
 This spike should end up as wide as the other spikes.  If anybody got into the physics of why these spikes all look the same, then they would get in trouble with the warmie police [...]

US election all comes down to the squirrel 

Ontario-geofish [12:48:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (78 visits) info
 Did you know that all our pandemics came from a too-close association with wild animals?  That is why it is illegal to keep wild animals as pets.  A virus can start to ping-pong [...]

Unusual eastern air flow continues 

Ontario-geofish [12:11:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (75 visits) info
 The Arctic is in recharge mode, ready to fire the cold cannons.  Right now, we have this weird eastern flow that has hit us all autumn.  It is coming down from the Arctic, and I [...]

Aulacophyllum conigerum Coral Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [06:56:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (169 visits) info
  This picture is of an Aulacophyllum conigerum (Davis, 1877) coral fossil. It was found in the Beechwood Limestone of Charlestown, Indiana USA. It dates to the Middle Devonian Period. This coral fossil [...]

Europe’s Plan to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions in a Complex World 

State of the Planet [14:24:52]  recommend  recommend this post  (417 visits) info
At Columbia Climate School’s Signature Speaker Series, Hans Bruyninckx, former executive director of the European Environment Agency, discussed the European Green

Linux -- When KDE goes off the rails 

Ontario-geofish [12:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (74 visits) info
 I use the KDE desktop with my tiny computers.  When I reinstall, I always start with Debian Stable, and then I always creep up to Sid (unstable).  Why?  Because something [...]

Dinosaur! With Walter Cronkite (1991) 

Koprolitos [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (187 visits) info
Ya hemos hablado de algunas producciones documentales sobre dinosaurios de los años 80 y 90 que salieron al mercado español, dentro de la colección de Planeta DeAgostini “Dinosaurios: Descubre los [...]

Does Dog Exist? A tail of philosophy, AI, and the pursuit of happiness. 

In the Company of Plants and Rocks [03:16:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (201 visits) info
Dog? In a scan of The Atlantic homepage recently, I came across Are You a Platonist or an Aristotelian? I was especially intrigued by the subtitle: "Your answer may determine how happy you can be." I [...] | Impressum