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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Tuesday, 05 November 2024
Bought this at ammie, on sale. It's an extrusion pasta maker. Man, it was horrible getting everything right, since all the instructions are wrong, but now, I am cruising.This is so much better than store pasta, and it rates with my coffee roasting as a huge improvement in the standard of living, without a lot of money. So, the good life is defined by an all-year hot
Many people have hiked this gated road near Lake Samish just off I-5 since I put up the original field trip page in 2020, including a few structural geology classes from UW and WWU. In fact, the really great Chuckanut Formation geology along this road has earned it the name ‘Geology Road’ in certain circles.
Here are some illustrations of the brachiopod fossil Productella spinulicosta
(Hall, 1867). The fossil was found in the Marcellus and Hamilton beds at Erie County,
New York, USA. The fossil dates to the [...]
I am officially declaring a total failure of my prediction for snow in October, and a very cold November. All our heat energy comes from this Pacific belt zone. It's the [...]
No es que nosotros seamos mucho de hacerle la publicidad a grandes compañías multimillonarias, pero por otro lado consideramos que es nuestra labor el informar de cualquier tipo de aparición de [...]
Cannibalistic Comb JelliesThis festive lantern looking lovely belongs to a group of invertebrates known as comb jellies.Comb jellies are named for their unique plates of giant fused cilia, or combs, which run [...]
This is not a strong cold blob, nor a clipper. It's just a cold air mass, moseying down the road.Greenland is just starting to get black again.I don't have a clue about mechanisms [...]
By now I imagine that almost everyone reading this is aware that I have a new book out, but if you somehow did not, then here’s a chance to catch up and learn a bit more about it (and hopefully I can entice [...]