The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
This post originally appeared 28 Feb 2011 on my old blog. The text and
figures are shown here unedited, though my thoughts have evolved a bit.
Here is a summary of the first paper of my dissertation, which has been
accepted to Geosphere (all [...]
Einer der Gründe für die verheerende Wirkung des Erdbebens von Christchurch / Neuseeland am 22. Februar ist das Phänomen der Bodenverflüssigung. Ich hatte das bereits zum Erdbeben von 4. September 2010 geschrieben. Die Stadt [...]
It's always an exciting time when we come to the end of a project. Mostly because it's one of those rare times where we're finished with something. This week we're finishing the right leg from an exceptionally big lambeosaur (crested duckbill [...]
Alle Bücher von Geozon sind nun auch auf der Plattform zu finden. PaperC ist eine Online-Plattform für Fachbücher mit inzwischen über
10.000 Büchern. Da Fachbücher in Universitätsbibliotheken [...]
Let’s look a bit more closely at the holotype element of Brontomerus mcintoshi, which as we all remember is the juvenile left ilium OMNH 66430. Much of what we’ve said about Brontomerus is based on the shape of that ilium, so [...]
And with that, a personal challenge to myself is done (note: I didn't employ any consistency in uploading. Some stuff was uploaded to other accounts; I'll post a quick retrospective later
Well, I successfully defended my thesis. I would say posting will resume soon - but it won't because I am traveling for the next 6 weeks! Woohoo! I am going to Peru for 2 weeks, Japan for 2 weeks, and then China for 2 weeks. All for pleasure. Then I [...]
For PE the year 2011 starts with an issue choke full of interesting papers. Seven research articles and one technical paper, for a total of 148 PDF pages (43 MB), plus 3D online files. Furthermore, there is a commentray on … Continue reading [...]
Our time in Jamalganj is coming to a close. We will miss the people here, all of whom have been incredibly helpful. Moktar and Anowar, who constructed the concrete pillars; Aziz the caretaker, locally known as the chief of Jamalganj for his [...]