The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
A bi-monthly open thread on climate
How federal agencies can and will incorporate environmental justice into their
My young-Earth creationist (YEC) friends often have misconceptions about how old-Earth Christians (OECs) such as myself interpret the book of Genesis. Sometimes they are simply a bit bewildered, wondering how any Christian could interpret Genesis in [...]
Das aktuelle Erdbeben-Update steht wieder im Zeichen des Geschehens auf Island. Aber auch Anderswo bebte die Erde, z.b. in Vanuatu und Italien.
The post Erdbeben-Update 01.03.21: Island first appeared on Vulkane Net
Early on in the Covid-19 pandemic, it occurred to me that the nationwide disease outbreak was exactly like what most of us call “natural disasters” — floods, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes of course, and [...]
Sellés et al. (2021) descrivono un metatarsale parziale dal Maastrichtiano terminale della Spagna, ed istituiscono un nuovo theropode, Tamarro insperatus. Il nome del genere è un riferimento al folklore catalano, ma in italiano ha ben altro [...]
Our Solar System is thought to have formed from a cloud of dust and gas called the Solar Nebula that collapsed under its own gravity about 4 and a half billion years ago. In order to understand exactly how the … Continue reading →
Today’s list is again very long. It contains a lot of really cool stuff from Central Europe and the Alps, and many interesting studies from China and Central Asia. Connoisseurs of American tectonics will also be happy I promise. Plus, quite a [...]
My next Drunk on Geology is for the Tectonic Event Imperial IPA by Great Basin Brewing Company, makers of the also geologically themed beer Ichthyosaur "Icky" IPA.
What is a "Tectonic Event"? Lets look at some of the definitions of the [...]