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Sometimes when one is searching for fossils in the field, color is important as opposed to just trying to visually match shapes and patterns. In the case of today's posting, the color green is important. The Silurian Period Louisville Limestone [...]
I love nature documentaries! Sometimes I am even tempted to buy a big TV just to watch them on. Therefore when I discovered the work Prof Iain Stewart has been doing with the BBC I was beyond excited!He has a new series out called Men Of Rock! WATCH [...]
Does anyone know about the decision by AGU to outsource the publication of its journals to a commercial publisher? Do any folks actually in America and active in AGUing know what is going on? This is all I know :
(exerpt from AGU spam)
“There [...]
A summary of photos posted on flickr today, tagged with “geology.” Displayed below are 100 geology-related photos were added to flickr today. Similar Posts on Geology News: Daily Geology Photos – June 15 Daily Geology Photos [...]
A new video on the legacy of copper mining and Arizona is on the Arizona Experience YouTube channel. AZGS staff on the Arizona Experience project did the research on the history of copper mining, wrote the original script, compiled the photos, [...]
I have once again arrived at Petrified Forest National Park (PEFO) for the summer, doing paleontological field work with Bill Parker and several others. This year, we will be prospecting the new tract of land that was added to the park as well as [...]
Francisco Pascasio Moreno, nació el 31 de mayo de 1852 en la Capital Federal. Sus padres fueron Francisco Facundo Moreno y Juana Thwaites quienes lo bautizaron el 29 de octubre. Su hermana mayor recibió el nombre de Juana y sus tres hermanos [...]
A recently discovered mineral has been named after Peter Buseck [right, credit ASU] a Regents’ Professor in SESE and the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Arizona State University. The mineral, buseckite, was discovered in a meteorite found [...]
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drip | david’s really interesting pages... [2012-06-03 00:35:54]
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