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I have been playing around with the stats tab for my blog more lately. I am always impressed with the range of countries it tells me I have readers from (although I am not sure how much I can trust it....).So I decided to have a little fun. At the [...]
was published last month by Amy Davidson and Greg Brown. It is about the practical use of Paraloid B-72 in the paleontology preparation and conservation lab, and is precisely the paper I've been waiting my whole career for someone to write. I'm very [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2012-06-12 10:00:56]
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International Innovation is a leading global dissemination publication that provides access to bespoke interviews, content and presentations for the wider scientific, technology and research communities. The magazine has, on various occasions, [...]
We had an excellent DISC in Stavanger with 41 in attendance. The venue was a nice lecture room at the University of Stavanger (that seemed like a good school). In the audience was my friend Rian de Jong of Shell whom I met years ago [...]
In an effort to add to my website and keep my blog up to date I will be trying to add more content for the updated pages. Today we have a new video for the GeoTube page. This video emphasizes the devastation that the tsunami did to Japan in March of [...]
The rumbling at Katla volcano continues, as a month has passed since the current 'swarm' (if you can really call it that) has continued. As the ice retreats above Katla's caldera, so too does pressure decrease on the volcano, thus making it much [...]
La semana pasada nos llego la noticia del fallecimiento del paleoantropólogo sudafricano Phillip Tobias a la edad de 86 años (14 Octubre de 1925 – 7 de Junio 2012. Tobias se trataba de uno de los grandes especialistas en la evolución [...]
I just love this picture! This was a deep and smallish earthquake. It gave lessons on "What not to do in an earthquake". Do not panic and run outside. Do not jump from your balcony. In many parts of the world (like [...]
Some time ago, Stephan Lewandowsky wrote an article on planet3.0 "The Inescapable Implication of Uncertainty" (also available on his own blog as part of a series), which made the fairly straightforward point that the expected cost of [...]
These rounded stones are labeled in our collections as gastroliths (literally “stomach stones”) from Starr Springs near Hanksville, Wayne County, Utah. I’m featuring them this week in honor of our Utah Project team working right [...]