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Joints occur pretty much everywhere in rocks exposed at the surface of the Earth. And they can be pretty important, both during construction activities, intrusion of magma and flow of fluids (groundwater, hydrocarbons, CO2, magma). Joints represent [...]
Founders Included Chemist from Manhattan Project, Pioneer of Urethanes, and Charlotte-Based Cotton Company
MOUNT AIRY, NC—NCFI Polyurethanes, an international manufacturer of rigid and flexible polyurethane foams turns 50 this year. The [...]
Serendipity is a wonderful thing, and I was surprised and delighted to find, completely by accident while looking for something else, this document, published back in March: In the acknowledgment section, the following appears: The idea for this [...]
We have a very simple trace and body fossil combination this week that provides a stratigraphic and structural geologic tool. Above is a bit of scleractinian coral from the Matmor Formation (Middle Jurassic, Callovian) of Makhtesh Gadol in southern [...]
On March 8th, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Evidence from satellite tracking suggests that the aircraft may have crashed into the...
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“The Snohomish County Council agreed Wednesday night to award a $6.4-million contract to IMCO General Construction to handle “sorting, screening, redistributing, grading and removal of slide debris.” Quoted from the LA By the early 1800s, many scientists already recognized life on Earth was ancient, had changed over time, and fossils represented prehistoric extinct creatures. Evolution wasn’t a new idea, but understanding how it worked [...]
Okay, there's just not a lot I can say about this. I've not spent enough time around wild turkeys to say whether this is normally seen behavior, but it was cute. I was trying to think of puns involving the meaning of love triangles, but I settled [...]
Buttons to celebrate 200.Anna and Jim celebrate the hard-won move in to the Indiana Convention Center.Me, Anna, and driver Jim Nation on the way to Indianapolis, Indiana and ASEE. Great company! Bad news: this blog has been [...]
The latest issue of BSSA features a good number of studies on paleoseismology and earthquake geology, and some more papers have recently been published elsewhere which will be interesting for people working on old earthquakes and tectonics. [...]