The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
We are now entering the Northern Hemisphere summer. That's when the sun becomes a powerful force in stagnant weather. In Toronto, we go from -10C at night, to +5 in the day. Tremendous power. The [...]
I've got nothing. The weather is a muddled chaotic mess. In the meantime, we've got branded sneakers for sale, only
For weeks, it has been impossible to doom-scroll Google News on Linux. That was with all browsers, and the complaints were everywhere. Googs kept calling it a rare, individual problem, and finally with 1.22 Chrome, it [...]
Gene Anderson photo from the Oakwiki, CC SA-BY The County of Alameda Administration Building at Oak and 12th Streets was designed for work, not for show. Like “Whistler’s Mother,” it’s a study in gray. And at the moment the early-1960s [...]
Back home after the Standord Geothermal Workshop (SGW). Some highlights were catching up with Russell Roundtree (CSM geophysics grad) and signing on to help with the AGU-SEG geothermal workshop in summer 2025. Stay tuned for details.
Pulled out 45 [...]
Continuing on our trip around the globe was a one-day stop at the Taj Mahal, the ultimate monument to love and built between 1631 and 1648. We enjoyed a most pleasant visit on this relatively cold day in Agra. India is famous for its gemstone and [...]
Sono passati 200 anni esatti dal 20 Febbraio del 1824, quando il Reverendo William Buckland espose alla Geological Society la scoperta di resti fossili appartenenti ad un animale estinto dalle fattezze incredibili: un gigantesco rettile terrestre [...]
Teil 2 zur DCONex 2024 Meine Nachlese zur DCONex 2024 ist mir wohl etwas länger geraten, als ich eigentlich wollte. Daher hab ich sie in zwei Teile geteilt. Der erste Teil ist schon online und …
Der Beitrag Reden wir über Asbestanalytik [...]
This is a guest post by Simone Bello from the Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio Chieti e Pescara, Italy. The QUIN project (QUaternary fault strain INdicators database) stems from the initiative of a group of researchers to make the [...]
Our new ELI today is the third in a series of 'Teaching geology to students with visual impairment (VI) - modifying geological materials for students who cannot see'.Using the three ELI activities in this series, pupils with visual impairments can [...]