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No comment I'll be inside, working on this --- muhaha!pps. Canadian Arctic spill goes right down to Acapulco where is feeds another micro-hurricane. These things are more 'mega tornadoes' than hurricanes. And the UK keeps changing [...]
Although the popular press likes to harp on 'peak' temperatures, the mark of a horrible winter is the length, and the degree days (heating costs). They never report this.My prediction was for snow from the end of October to the end of May. [...]
The 12th international PATA Days will be held in Los Andes, Chile, 6-11 October, 2024. PATA stands for Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology and it is the main activity of the paleoseismology community within INQUA’s TERPRO [...]
Earlier this year, I had a question about the coloring of eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). In this post, I lay out some of what I’ve learned and ask some of the additional questions I have yet to answer.
In May, I hired a tree [...]
Rob Sacchetto es un artista estadounidense con más de dos décadas de experiencia como ilustrador freelance. Especializado en los retratos zombies, es creador de la firma Zombie Portraits y su trabajo ha aparecido en prensa, televisión y cine. [...]
No es la primera vez que os hablamos de la relación entre los dinosaurios y los zombies, dos icónicos grupos de la cultura popular que en estas fechas se muestran más unidos que nunca, así que no vamos a repetir todo lo que ya te contamos por [...]
This has become a long list again, and I partly blame the New Zealanders who are currently publishing a lot of studies related to their new hazard model. Really cool work! But of course the inclined readers will also find other gems for their taste. [...]
Experts say that snow and ice loss will create conditions beyond the limits of adaptation for billions of people if climate warming reaches 2 degrees
Two sustainable-development students reflect on career-defining
By analyzing the frequency of certain words within news media from any country, a machine learning algorithm can produce a quantitative “peace index” that captures the level of peace within that