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T. rex illustration by Matt Martyniuk, licensed.There's a pretty interesting historical paleontology thread happening over at the Hell Creek forum. In the most recent issue of Prehistoric Times, one article claims that the influence of the film [...]
Well it’s been quite a while but this was never forgotten, so I’m delighted to get the palaeoart interviews rumbling to life again by bringing you a one on one with Scott Hartman, most famous for his dinosaur skeletals but also well into [...]
Scientists in the West have a particular way of walking a landscape and divining its secrets: They kick a toe into loamy soil or drag a boot heel across the desert's crust, leaning down to squint at the tiny excavation.
Try that maneuver in New [...]
Eine typische Anwendung von GIS in der Geologie ist die Erstellung geologischer Karten, in denen die vorliegenden Informationen zum Arbeitsgebiet übersichtlich dargestellt werden. Eine wichtige Information dabei ist das Streichen und Fallen von [...]
This week I’m continuing with sharing some pictures from my recent vacation in Zanzibar back in June 2013. There is plenty of coral around Zanzibar, and my husband and I noticed that many of Zanzibar’s buildings– both ancient and [...]
You almost certainly know that it’s a waste of time to argue with wing-nuts. If not, you’ll soon learn, but there is actually solid scientific evidence that not only does it not do any good, it actually makes the conspiracy lover even [...]
Di-BOSS: A Summary of the Research, Development & Deployment of the world’s first Digital Building Operating System by Roger Anderson, Columbia University The Digital Building Operating System (Di-BOSS) was built as a three way collaboration [...]
Cambriangirl - Science! Geology! Writing! [2013-08-12 10:09:07]
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(780 visits)
-foreword: Richard Herring has a fab show out at the moment called We’re All Going To Die! This is a reply to his article in the Metro last week, enjoy - Dear Richard Herring, I must admit I read … Continue reading
Mount Rokatenda in eruptionPhoto from hereMount Rokatenda*** north of the island of Flores in Indonesia erupted on August 10, killing 6 people. It has been erupting since late 2012. Eruptions were generally VEI 3 in intensity. A 3 km [...]