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Endlich habe ich mich durchgerungen einen neuen Blog zu starten. Wie das Wortspiel im Titel schon andeutet, wird es wieder um geowissenschaftliche Themen gehen - mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Hohlräumen, Löchern und Vertiefungen in allen [...]
Zion National Park, Washington County, Utah Photographer: Adam McKean; © 2015 The setting sun illuminates the Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone cliffs of Cougar Mountain (right) and South Guardian Angel (left) as viewed from Kolob Reservoir Road. Here, [...]
After a few days in Alice Springs, it was time to head southwest to the main attraction of this region, Ayer's Rock, also known by its Aboriginal name Uluru.The distances are long in the outback and I took this picture at the highway junction in [...]
El Hombre Invisible, uno de los primeros personajes con poderes de la ciencia ficción, suele ser un villano. El protagonista de la novela de H. G. Wells quiere usar su poder para chantajear al mundo, pues nadie podrá esquivar su mortal y [...]
We are EGEAns and part of the European Geography Association for students and young Geographers (or in short EGEA), a network to create, explore and share different approaches of geography in a culturally mixed environment. So what else do we have [...]
Celebrate the golden age in which we’re living,
Your opinion counts and freedom is key.
Sadly, this has led to Art and Sport and Politics
Being led by people ill-equipped to breathe.
There was a group who could have saved us from this [...]
Our field studies trip to Yosemite National Park reached a climax when we reached Tioga Pass (9,943 ft / 3,031 m) at the east end of the park. The pass is the highest highway route in the state (a paved road in the White Mountains and the [...]
Flores fa parte dell'arcipelago delle piccole isole della Sonda e si estende per 14.000 km3 (più o meno come la Calabria) ed è diventata notissima per gli antropologi per la scoperta nella caverna di Liang Bua, vicino alla città di Ruteng di una [...]
<a href="">de Beer</a> (Nov. 1, 1899 – June 21, 1972) was <a [...]
Visit The Paleomap Project
Alfred Lothar Wegener (Nov. 1, 1880 – Nov, 1930) was a German meteorologist and geophysicist who first gave a well-developed hypothesis of continental drift. He suggested (1912) that about 250 million yrs ago all the [...]