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The internet is a wonderful place. Information is a press of the finger away. We can retrieve scientific papers in seconds. We can connect to others, exchange ideas and collaborate. Here are some of my favorite ways. An Update on RSS Of course, this [...]
Wenn man einen Artikel wie „Staatsautoritarismus, groß geschrieben“ des Heidelberger Germanistikprofessors Ronald Reuß über (bzw. gegen) Open Access in der FAZ Online vom 30.9. liest, kann man verschiedenes machen. Gab’s da [...]
Houston, abbiamo un problema... Avevo scritto dopo il terremoto del 24 agosto “Giuliani non pervenuto”. Invece è pervenuto eccome. Anzi, è ricomparso cercando di sfruttare la situazione a suo favore per conquistare nuovi proseliti dopo che la [...]
Μέλη της Ερευνητικής Ομάδας Γεωλογίας των [...]
This posting is not about a fossil but an interesting artifact I saw on display at the British Natural History Museum in London, England. It is called the Sunday Stone that formed in South Shields a Tyneside coal mine in the 1800s. A water trough in [...]
The official website for the PATA DAYS 2017 is online: 8th International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 3 – 9 April 2017, West Coast, New Zealand. The Workshop invites presentations on: Large earthquakes in [...]
Katla volcano in Iceland has been raised to Yellow status, as a near three day quake swarm is rattling the massive volcano. A warning from Icelandic authorities has been issued as follows (translated):"The National Commissioner of Police and the [...]
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Micropaleontology or Invertebrate Paleontology, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TexasThe Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M University [...]
The 5th International Tsunami Field Symposium will be held from 3-7 September, 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition to the scientific sessions an interesting 3-days field trip will take the participants to the tsunami hot spots of the Algarve [...]
If you're a volcanologist - or really any geology buff who appreciates volcanoes - Iceland is flat-out