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DinoAstur. Blog sobre La Costa de los Dinosaurios [2014-11-25 20:30:16]
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Del 15 al 18 de Octubre de 2014 se celebraron en Teruel las XXX Jornadas de Paleontología de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP), organizadas por la Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis (FCPT-D). El equipo de [...]
Abyssomedon williamsi is a new parareptile from the Richards Spur Locality in Oklahoma reported by Mark MacDougall and Robert Reisz from University of Toronto, Mississauga in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Parareptiles are a sister [...]
It's getting quite heated in the US. This is seen as a local neighbourhood issue in the quiet countryside, and people are going to jail. But this is not a local issue, people! Fracking itself is scrupulously clean, in fact they are just [...]
I need some help from you! One of the chapters in my book, Geology Underfoot in Western Washington is about the beautiful Golden Horn granite at Washington Pass. The chapter describes how granitic magma rises through the crust. The tentative title [...]
I’m wrestling with two realities about paleontology. The first involves paleontological fieldwork; the second, fieldwork’s aftermath.To begin with, take fieldwork, a challenging and time consuming endeavor with no assured success. In [...]
Bear Gulch Cave at Pinnacles National Park
California's Coast Ranges hide some real gems (literally: check out benitoite, for instance). One of my favorites is also the nation's newest national park: Pinnacles National Park. The park was first [...]
One is rather inspired. OpenCon 2014 was a wonderful time bringing together the best minds in early career research and the ‘world of open’ to discuss how we make access to knowledge, data, and educational resources better for everyone. [...]
Our latest paper on coastal change in Oman deals with an extreme flood event that was recorded in an archaeological site in Ras al Hadd, at the easternmost tip of the Arabian Peninsula. We found multiple evidence for past tsunamis that hit [...]
I am going to start doing a weekend post here with links and images from the world of geek that caught my eye this week. First up is Will Marshall and the TED talk below. Data is the fuel that science runs on, and he has figured out a way to harvest [...]
The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, really stepped in it on Saturday. He’s now getting a firestorm of criticism, and he deserves every bit of it, but I want you to understand why before I go into what he said. There is an old rule among [...]