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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Geoblogosphere weekly review (1th week of 2022, 245 weeks ago)
Most active blogs:
- Real Climate (3 posts)
- Ontario-geofish (1 posts)
- ARCHEA (1 posts)
- Wooster Geologists (1 posts)
Most visited blogs:
- Real Climate (838 visits)
- Wooster Geologists (481 visits)
- Ontario-geofish (435 visits)
- ARCHEA (397 visits)
Top keywords:
- Climate Science (2)
- Open thread (1)
The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
My Estonian colleague and friend Olev Vinn and I have a chapter in the new book The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism. Ours is chapter four on the evolutionary history of colonial organisms as hosts and parasites. One of … Continue reading [...]
That is my talisman to stop phillies from reading further. Climate Change is real! End of Story. Don't ask questions, kid.Back to the real world.This the 'End of Heat'. Canada is now 'melting' at 50 below, the same as Greenland. The [...]
The glorious black-spotted lemon yellow lovely you see here is a seahorse. They are one of the fairytale creatures that I was pleased to see truly exist. These marine lovelies are any of 46 species of small marine fish in the genus [...]
This month’s open thread on climate science topics. Note that summaries of annual climate data from 2021 will start to appear in a couple of weeks, and updates to the model/observations comparisons will appear a week or so after that. PS. New [...]
A bi-monthly open thread related to climate solutions. PS. New year, new moderation policy. Please be substantive – sniping, insults, and tedious repetition will just be culled. We want to maintain a civil and productive discourse here, but the [...]
The highlight of the movie season for climate science has clearly been the release on Dec 24th 2021 of “Don’t Look Up”. While nominally about a different kind of disaster – the discovery of a comet heading to Earth on a collision course – [...]