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Today marks the end of this year’s Earth Science Week. In the past, I have summarised and discussed the “Big Ideas” that have been put together by the Earth Science Literacy Initiative; these are excellent, fundamental, and of global [...]
How could I not post this? The activities of our Martian geologist friend continue to amaze, the latest being sand sampling. All images and captions are courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS, and the NASA Curiosity website, which describes the image [...]
The Falls of the Ohio State Park (Clarksville, Indiana, USA) hosted a geology education day with lots of activities the general public around the Louisville, Kentucky area could participate in. My contribution to the event was helping with [...]
So this is official now. After finishing my Master’s degree I have left Europe and moved to this beautiful country to pursue a PhD. Who knows, maybe there will become a researcher out of me at the end. The next three years I will be working to [...]
A remarkable video of a cliff collapse in New Zealand in 2000 and an image of a similar landslide on
This new paper suggests the presence of dinosauromorph (cf. Rotodactylus) and turtle-like (cf. Chelonipus) trackmakers from the Lower Triassic of Wyoming.
D. M., and S. D. Lovelace. 2012. Paleoenvironments and paleoecology of a Lower
Sì: disponibile via internet. No: non vale come pubblicazione scientifica
La rete mondiale di Internet è stata una delle più grandi rivoluzioni nell'evoluzione della comunicazione umana. Oggi, in tempo reale, è possibile comunicare, scambiare [...] has a large list of museums that feature mineral exhibits. The list also includes related tours and places of
ARIZONA – This Wooster Geologist has exchanged Ohio’s cool fall weather for blue skies and sunshine in Arizona. I’m here for a conference on Volcanism in the American Southwest, but I thought I’d come out early to explore [...]
Annals of Geophysics has just published its latest issue focusing on the Emilia seismic sequence May - June 2012 Two of the published articles have been prepared and submitted by members of our [...]