The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Taking a quick break from the ‘origins of our genome’ series, because… Today, Drs. Luis Chiappe and Robin O’Keefe publish a paper about an exciting fossil find from the Cretaceous oceans of Kansas, 78 million years ago (yes, [...]
Most geologists, when they need to, just use the terms "Tertiary" and "Quaternary" without a second thought. They're handy time terms, and after a few years' exposure to the literature and the rocks you get a gut sense of what they mean. But when [...]
We are back in Trinidad, after a week travelling in the north. We visited de areas surrounding San Ramon, San Juaquin, Puerto Siles and Santa Ana. Here few photos...I will put more photos in the next days.Me and Heinz in the Mamoré River, north of [...]
I have decided to join the ranks of other geology bloggers who participate in the monthly edition of the Accretionary Wedge. The Accretionary Wedge is a blog carnival, a term I was not familiar when I first read it. A blog carnival is simply a [...]
As a little geological Sunday Morning treat, here is a video from this morning CBS Sunday Morning about "Rock Stars" AKA rock
~ In which the blogger gives with one hand (for most of the posting) and takes with other.I first heard of the best-in-field fallacy in a talk by William DiMichele, the Smithsonian’s curator of fossil plants. It piqued my interest because at [...]
This week has been a great one so far! Monday was very exciting as we had our media release hit the news. Tuesday was super busy as the phones were ringing off the hook and everyone was busy taking pictures and videos. We have been digging at the [...]
Cross-posted on Yes Network here. The volume of water an aquifer releases from or takes into storage per unit surface area of the aquifer per unit change in head. It is equal to the product of specific storage and aquifer … Continue reading [...]
A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct an assessment of the capability of the Nation to meet our current and future demands for the minerals critical to United States manufacturing competitiveness and economic and national [...]
I was going to write about something else (TFZ and other earthquakes around Iceland in the last few days). But that just has to wait for a little longer. It seems that Katla volcano earthquakes are increasing again. This increase … Continue [...]