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X-ray diffraction is an incredibly versatile method not restricted to rocks and minerals. While the material scientist and engineers among you might use it to examine concrete or thin-films in photovoltaics, I tried it on cosmetics from the organic [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2015-07-20 12:20:11]
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Jonas Kuhn, a researcher at Heidelberg University , took the photograph during a field campaign at Stromboli volcano in Italy. The objective of this campaign was to gather data from different gaseous compounds of the volcanic plume. Via emission [...]
Remember when we poked some gentle fun at Hollywood and 'splained that most lava flows are so slow that you can outwalk them? I wish I'd known about this video back then, because it shows how even...
The trek to Patagonia in 1930 had its paleontological objectives, for sure, but it also had singularly personal ones for George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984). In that year, though a young 28 years of age, Simpson already was associate curator of [...]
Lots of paleoseismology and tsunami studies are currently being published… Here’s my update on the latest papers, including: Surface ruptures, seismic swarms, tsunamites, Asian tectonics, slip rates and archaeoseismology. Plus: A very [...]
Wer sich bei der Verwaltung seiner Fossiliensammlung mit der Systematik seiner Funde beschäftigt hat, ist sicherlich schon auf die Datenbank auf gestoßen. Das Projekt bietet auf Basis der veröffentlichten Fachliteratur, offene [...]
It's so slow now. Like watching the grass grow. A little cluster near the city got everybody excited, but that went away. Wait until Iran releases it's oil for terrorism. Maybe we'll hit $40 a barrel, and they might as well roll up the [...]
In case you missed it, the XKCD cartoon has a nice take on Pluto. This reminds me of the classic cartoon on the electromagnetic spectrum. Oh and while we are on the subject of cartoons- Opus is back! There is something about geeks and Bloom [...]
No, it's not real, it's a photoshopped hoax after the Indonesia tsunami of 2004
Geotripper stands bravely on the coast of the Pacific Northwest, camera and binoculars in hand, ready to liveblog the end of the world during the apocalyptic earthquake [...]
The specimen below is the only one of any kind of inarticulate brachiopod that I found in the Kalkberg formation of New York. It is fused to the shell of an articulate brachiopod (an orthid of some type perhaps) and is somewhat weathered. From what [...]